23p Research

How We Do It:

At 23p, we engage in an ongoing process of monitoring and analyzing the evolving landscape of cyber threats, focusing on current vulnerabilities and the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) used by threat actors. Our team of offensive security experts employs intelligence gathering and advanced technological methods to develop strategies for compromising assets. By simulating advanced attack scenarios, we not only test the resilience of existing security systems but also innovate new strategies for breach prevention and control. This continuous cycle of research, development, and application ensures that our offensive capabilities remain at the forefront of cybersecurity, providing a strong foundation for our defensive strategies.

Why We Do It:

Our offensive research is not an end in itself, but a means to empower the defensive capabilities of organizations. Many internal cybersecurity teams face the daunting task of safeguarding their systems while grappling with limited resources and the fast-paced nature of technological advancement. Our role is to bridge this gap, providing these teams with the insights and tools derived from our offensive research. This approach is encapsulated in our guiding principle: "Empower your defenses with our offensive insights." By sharing our advanced understanding of potential threats and attack methodologies, we enable these teams to fortify their defenses more effectively which contributes to a safer digital environment and gives organizations the confidence to protect against cyber threats.

Our Methodology